EEG CerebraLogik Mennen

Product Code:

Continuous Electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring is now available in Cyprus which gives direct information on brain function in newborn infants needing intensive care. To improve the possibilities of long-term monitoring, the EEG can be time-compressed and recorded with a reduced number of electrodes. A trend measure of the EEG, the amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG), has proved capable of giving relevant information of newborn infants with differing levels of maturity. The electrocortical background activity gives information on the level of brain activity, which is associated with outcome in both term asphyxiated infants and in preterm infants. The aEEG also reveals subclinical epileptic seizure activity, and can be used for evaluation of anti-epileptic treatment. The aEEG can be classified according to pattern recognition and/or voltage methods, both equally are considered to be good methods. The voltage classification is easier to use for clinicians with little experience in reading aEEG, but one should always try to assess the underlying pattern.

aEEG History panel

The CerebraLogik interface provides aEEG and EEG real time and History display:

  • One or two EEG channels
  • 3 hour aEEG panel
  • History panel for full case review of aEEG and EEG
  • Parallel monitoring and display of “Common” and invasive monitor vital signs
  • Event Marking
  • Save, Mark and Export aEEG Sections to PC or Network

CerebraLogik Viewer

The CerebraLogik Viewer software for PC enables downloading a patient’s data in order to study sections or the complete procedure of the patient:

  • Export aEEG sessions via USB connector
  • View whole aEEG sessions of up to 7 days
  • Practical and user friendly
  • Study and review data remotely
  • Store data on PC

Also, a remote live access application provides the physician a direct connection to the monitor, enabling to view a current monitored patient’s real time and historical aEEG/EEG data from any PC that is connected to a server via the Internet.


Degree of protection: Type BF Applied part
EN 60601-1
EN 60601-1-2 (EMC)
En 60601-1-4 (Programmable Electrical Device)
60601-2-26 (EEG)

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